Faculty of Computing & Information Systems Engineering aims to cultivate competitive talents in software and smart IT leading the age of IT convergence. With the college-industry combined curriculum focusing on practices and cutting-edge educational environment, this faculty contributes to development of IT industry by cultivating able talents equipped with the best working capacities through technological education on software and smart IT, club activities, and performances of various projects.
Department of
Computer Science
Leader of the IT Convergence Age
To cultivate the software experts leading the fourth industrial innovation, we operate specific curriculum for web programmer, app developer, SI/SM programmer, big data developer, IoT developer, cloud operator and manager. From fundamental training to improve computing thinking to creating one’s own software focusing on projects, we conduct education focusing on the problem solving ability. Also, with our intensive major course, we rain the highly advanced software technology.

Department of
Computer Systems
Search for Human-Centered Ubiquitous Environment
This department conducts practice-oriented curriculum to educate students new technology and advanced technology in the HW and SW industry to prepare for the fourth industrial revolution and help students quickly adjust to the industrial field, and cultivate talents who obtain competent information technology based on creative problem solving capability.