Faculty of Transport Engineering consists of Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering nurturing special technicians who are required in naval architecture and in maritime engineering on maritime development and preservation of coastal environment; Department of Aircraft Mechanical Engineering nurturing special technicians on manufacturing and maintaining aircraft by teaching students practical technology on mechanical industry related with aircraft; Department of Automotive Engineering nurturing special technicians on automobile design and maintenance responding to the trend of rapidly developing automobile industry. All the departments have produced special workers required in industrial working places through systematic theoretical teaching and various tests and practices.
Department of
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Opens A New Age of Maritime Industry
We provide systematic theory and practice education to produce technicians for naval architecture, leisure ship and ship maintenance at the era of marine leisure industry. We cultivate professional technicians for naval architecture, ship maintenance and marine leisure who obtain basic, applied and practical technique required by the field of industry. Furthermore, in accordance with the agreement with the Korean Navy, we operate technical petty officer major course which gives opportunity for students to be a professional soldier.

Department of
Aeronautical & Mechanical Engineering
Flying My Dream to the Sky
Since the foundation in 1076, we are the top frontier department leading the aviation maintenance in Korea, and cultivate professional aeronautical technicians who obtain both practice and theory of aviation technology. For this, we provide various theory and training education to teach necessary learnings such as aircraft, engine and aircraft operation and the maintenance of avionics that is becoming more important in the advanced aircrafts, and also we provide the field practice from airlines as the best all-in-one curriculum.

Department of
Automotive Engineering
Leading the Advanced Technology
To produce talented workers for the highly advanced automotive industry, we educate the major theory, conduct experiment and practice to produce professional technicians in the field of automotive who obtain both theory knowledge and practice to conduct automotive production, testing and development of component and automotive maintenance.