Faculty of Advanced Materials Engineering consists of Department of Chemical & Environmental Technology and Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering. The former aims to nurture special technicians equipped with overall knowledge on petrochemistry, plant design, bio-engineering, nano-technology, electronic materials, and environmental technology. The latter cultivates special technicians on cutting-edge electronic materials and functional components as well as steel components which serve as the basis of industrial structure. Both of them produce workers suitable to the demands of industrial working places through systematic education on theories and various experiments and practices.
Department of
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Basic Science for Affluent Life
We cultivate professional technicians who can adjust to the practice in the industrial field by obtaining technology in fundamental chemistry, chemical engineering, industrial chemistry, chemical analysis, chemical processing management, chemical product production, microorganism, and environment through various experimental practices using cutting-edge facility.

Department of
Materials Science & Engineering
Leader in Cutting-edge Nano Devices
As per the demand of personnel with professional knowledge and technology in accordance with the expansion of various new material development and application, based on the major fundamental capability, we cultivate capable professional technicians demanded by the industry based on field-oriented training system and systematic practices on various materials including metal.